Tuesday, April 16, 2013


TV:  Hannibal

Surreal times we live in that there is a show on NBC about Will Graham and Hannibal Lector....  Watched the first couple episodes last night and found them strangely watchable although I have no idea how the show will sustain itself.  Are we meant to believe there is a serial killer at work every single week?

The premise of the show isn't bad: we focus on the time period before Manhunter/Red Dragon where Will Graham works with Hannibal before anyone knows he is this awful serial killer.  We know from the backstory of Manhunter, Hannibal almost kills Will, but that is about it.  It should be noted, Hannibal is a side character in the current show and thus far does not occupy much screen time.  You also gotta give Mads Mikkelsen a bit of credit -- he totally makes the role his own -- and doesn't even come close to the Cox or Hopkins way of playing it.

In the second episode there is a serial killer at work who is burying victims alive and using them as fertilizer to grow mushrooms on their corpes.  You heard that right.  This is completely absurd, but also, original.  I've yet to see that before.

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