Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wealth Inequality

How to fix America's wealth inequality:  get people to save and invest more.  Uh...yeah...

You could easily make a good argument public high schools should be teaching Suze Orman level finance classes.  Seriously.  I just got an idea - a high school class called "Money."  Every student begins the semester with zero and they are charged with coming up with a plan to maximize the amount of money they can make in a semester.  Some will get paid jobs.  Others will try business ventures.  (you might need to max the amount of "homework" time).  Some will invest profits, some will re-invest.  The only goal is to make money.  The prize at the end of the semester?  You keep what you make.  You can't tell me this is a worse idea than human sexuality or physical education (especially when a lot of kids already play sports).

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