Thursday, September 06, 2012

Where Are The Parents?

Another article on the insanity of student loan debt.

Why is no one talking about the parents here?  All these students act like victims - but who on earth takes out 100-300 G in loans - and doesn't think this is a really, really big deal?  Like an enormous amount of money?  Have these people ever tried to save up and buy a car that costs maybe 20-25 G?  It's hard -- really hard -- to save up that much money.  Now times it by 5 or 15 and you should immediately feel hopeless.  Why people don't do this before taking the money astounds me, but I can see 18 year olds or even 22 year olds being flighty with money and imagining a future with a job that pays enough to pay it all back.  But what about the parents?  The parents know how hard it is to make 100,000.  After all, they're the ones not paying for the education up front.  Why are they letting their children take out that much money in debt?  I don't even care about the interest rate (which supposedly makes it a "good" loan).  It's money!  You're going to have to pay it back.

Very strange all of this and how we got here.  I have no idea how this is going to resolve itself, but judging by the statistics, at least 20-25%, if not more of this debt is never going to get repaid.  Who is going to eat it?  Taxpayers, I guess..

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