Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beauty In Sport

This is something I think about from time to time.

There are times during sports when I get an impulse to try things. I don't have time to analyze them in the moment, but when I think about them afterwards, they aren't always the most pragmatic or obvious or even smart choices. Often, they are motivated by a sense of wonder or beauty or a sort of - what if I could pull this off? Once, in soccer I get double teamed and it offended me and I tried to take on two defenders at once. If I thought about it, it was a dumb move. If I'm doubled, someone else is open. But what I discovered in trying it, was that the defenders ended up picking one another and actually creating an opening between them and I got past them. It was awesome and unexpected and I sometimes use the same move/idea today.

I now work in a creative field and to this day I believe my earliest creative training was in sports.

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