Friday, February 01, 2008


I like the guy, here he talks about not stumping for Obama because it might hurt him. He also plugs his efforts on Darfur.

The thing I don't get re: Darfur. How does supporting an end to Darfur's tragedies differ, in any fundamental way, than ending Saddam controlled or post-Saddam efforts by Sunni extremists to control Iraq. If one is interested in being proactive towards ending genocide in Darfur how can one be against what we're trying to achieve in Iraq? It's the same thing, except Iraq is important from a geo-political standpoint, whereas Darfur is not. It makes no sense.

I can understand not wanting to get overly involved in un-winnable foreign entanglements. But why is Darfur "winnable" and Iraq not?

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