Saturday, January 04, 2025

CA Democrats

Newsom busy doing the only thing he knows - banning all the things. This guy is trying to turn CA into the EU. If it weren't for inertia and bribery, we'd be in real trouble.

Not that I'm in favor of ultra-processed foods but this shows how Democrats literally can't run anything. Anyone know about school lunch? The easiest way for government to get healthy eating to have a real impact - but what happens? Democrats offer school lunch to the entire state. For like $2.50 per meal. Guess what the kids get for $2.50 a meal? Ultra-processed shit. What happens? Unhealthy eating and a whole lot of waste because even kids aren't stupid when it comes to crummy good. And guess what else? California now in an 80 bil dollar budget deficit. So what are they cutting? K-12 school budgets. Everywhere. 

So let me get this all straight - Newsom expands shitty school lunch causing budget deficits and an incredible amount of waste and ultra-processed shit to go into the bellies of our children. Now he needs to cut education stuff like teachers and staff. Then he bans ultra-processed foods. Huh? What a clueless rube.

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