Friday, January 26, 2024

Pessimism As A Disease

I sense so much pessimism when it comes to Israel-Hamas. Even so far as people claiming "Hamas is winning." Winning?!? What ludicrous world view thinks getting 30-50% of your fighting force and all your infrastructure destroyed - not to mention total destruction of your people and land as winning? What if I reframed my life goals as: going bankrupt. And then I proceeded to do exactly that. Would anyone say I succeeded in life? Does joining a death cult and then dying count as "winning?"

As my kid would say, "no way, dude."

Folks are marching in the streets against Israel. So what? Ever heard of a losers? Does anyone remember Occupy Wall Street? They had just as many protestors and guess what? Last time I checked, Wall Street is still there and the Occupiers are still delinquent on their student loans. Sorry folks. The crocodile tears for Palestinians are a Western luxury good more fickle than even our support for Ukraine. See, just as cancellations, wokeness, etc can cut both ways so can Westerners attention. Ask the citizens of the Central African Republic how much Westerners really care about civilian deaths in foreign lands. I don't mean to be glib, but ultimately humans can't be expected to care equally about all 6 billion souls on the planet. It might be rational to do so, but we can't. If the Palestinians want to live in peace and want their land and control of their own destiny, it will be on them to curtail the maniacs in their own camp. They've failed to do so for the past 50 years. 

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