Friday, June 30, 2023

Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

Supreme Court rules Biden's student loan forgiveness plan is illegal (which it is). Here's the thing: you can't legislate against stupid. If you're borrowing too much money for school, you are a sucker. 

1) The schools are ripping you off. They're taking the loan money and spending it on shit like DEI coordinators, campus gyms, film series, and every dumbass idea any midwit employee at the University can think of. And you're going for it.

2) So...when you get out of school and look at the bill, you're thinking: fuuuck. And now, you're ripe for exploitation by the Democratic politicians who take your "fuuuuuck" and say "you know this is the Republicans fault because they won't let us forgive your debt. But...if you vote for us, we will help you. So you vote for them.

3) But here's the thing: the Democrats know the American public doesn't support reimbursing college grads and they know it's not technically legal unless there is an act of Congress. But they just pretended to pass a law forgiving debt while knowing full well the Supreme Court will rule it illegal. Because it is! But they get to look like the good guys and their political opponents get to look like the bad guys and you will keep voting for them because you're like an abused wife who thinks her husband is about to "change." And meanwhile the interest is piling up.

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