Sunday, November 13, 2022

Everything Wrong With NPR... 

In one short article about Dave Chappelle "disappointing" on SNL. 

As I said in my review, Chappelle seems to think he's above criticism; for him, race seems to trump all.

It's funny coming from NPR - a public-funded "news" organization that has been systemically obsessed with race for 3 years - to offer this critique of Chappelle. The author doesn't seem to be able to distinguish between an artist and their voice and a news organization with a "mission." Chappelle's "job" isn't to offer balanced political perspectives -- that's NPR's job! His job is to make us laugh - which he does - and yet, he also manages to make us think. 

I'm against obsessing over race as anyone - when it comes from academics, institutions, and mid-level bureaucrats when it comes to public and private policy. But if it comes from a comedian? An artist? Obsess over race all you want if you find it interesting. I have the option to not listen or turn away.

God what a world we live in. People are so freaking confused. 

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