Monday, January 24, 2022

Beyond Depressing

An argument we are not even close to peak wokeness yet. 

I'm afraid he's right. 

That said, my general philosophy is that it's never as good or bad as it seems. Problem with wokeness is that it can never actually "win" over biology, logic, physical reality, nature -- which is why it will always devolve into totalitarianism. This is both a good and bad thing. The conundrum is how much damage it will cause as it collapses. Or what comes "after wokeness."

Agree with his general idea, however, that defeating wokeism cannot be accomplished "politically." It's a cultural, generational battle. 

And for the first time in my life, I'm pretty sure classical "liberal" values are not strong enough to compete. The camps will be wokeism, Islamism, Chinese communism and whatever socially conservative forces emerge from the West. Right now, it seems to be in the shape of populism. Not sure how it will develop - could go down the Trumpism/strong man path, or some type of crazy, QAnon path, or some type of Christian, religious revival path. But good old fashioned "liberal" values are cooked. Might as well admit it. 

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