Friday, March 19, 2021


I struggle with how to "deal" with wokeism, an ideology I absolutely loathe. I can see a couple options:

1) Confront and Fight

The problem with such a strategy is that wokeism breathes on this oxygen. The ideology is meant to provoke "regular" people into stupid debates. Hence, the "Black Lives Matter" slogan (as if anyone doesn't think BLM). 

2) Ignore

A possible alternative, but can one really ignore if it's invaded your workplace and children's schools (which it has)?

3) Mock

A strong option, but takes patience and wit.

Or perhaps some combination of the three. My true hope for the ideology is its self collapse under its own stupidity. So for instance, the public schools struggle, in general, to get their students to pay attention and learn anything -- even the good stuff -- so I can only imagine they won't be very successful transmitting the bad stuff either. Of course, this is a rather cynical and sad state of affairs.

Anyhow, my only evolution on this is that I used to think the woke were well intentioned fools. Now I know they are ill intended fools.

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