Monday, January 11, 2021


A couple good (and funny) takes on what went down at the Capitol riot. Here. And here.

As for my own - I believe the horror of the proceedings speaks for itself. 

I oppose the Twitter, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook bans as setting a dangerous precedent and pushing the alt-right to further extremes. It can't really be very hard to set up an alternative social networking sites, can it? Is this a good idea?

I favor the aggressive talk of impeachment, 25th Amendment, and threats of removing Trump from office as a bargaining tool/sword of damocles warning to him to shut his trap or face further humiliation. But I do not actually favor moving forward with it. I think Pence should remain strategically quiet about the 25th Amendment and not respond to either calls for it, or against it until January 20th. Pelosi is playing her role, I suppose, although perhaps the dumbest thing she did was publicly announce her call to the military about the nuclear codes. Had she done this privately, fine. But why put into the news? 

The public shame, I think, will do the trick but of course, I've been wrong about the levels to which Trump and his supporters will go ever since Nov 3rd.

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