Wednesday, January 06, 2021

As Accounts of the Day Roll In...

A few observations:

1) Media predictably are over blowing the riot, calling it a coup attempt and sedition. Wrong. The rioters were impotent clowns - luckily.

2) Capitol police behaved the exact same way the security at Stoneman high school behaved when faced with danger: like pussies. Those who stood down should be fired and their pensions taken away. And called out publicly for what they are: cowards.

3) Prosecute everyone who entered the capitol.

4) Republicans should strongly consider removing Trump from office in these next couple days.

5) I repeat what I said earlier: the police should have shot those who entered the capitol on sight. The only hero of the day is the person who fired their weapon.

6) Rinse wash and repeat for the next group of rioters whether they be BLM or Trump supporters.

America today: Ann Coulter's now a voice of reason.

The worst takes of the day: any that begins with "what about..." 

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