Sunday, May 31, 2020

Progressive Left

Perhaps what we are seeing is the death throws of the progressive left. A last ditch attempt at relevance after the disappointment of Bernie's campaign and the fact that COVID made them irrelevant. Last night was their battle of the bulge. Maybe.

The "movement" is very confused:

1) They support the protest and "understand" the riots.

2) On the other hand, they think the riots are right wing fanatics infiltrating and hijacking the protests.

3) But the riots are also the fault of the police for being overbearing.

4) And the riots are also the fault of Trump for glorifying violence and white supremacy.

5) Yet the riots are attacking the police, who Trump supports too much and encourages to be too rough.

6) The riots are also attacking businesses because business is bad.

7) But the real underlying reason they are attacking businesses is because there are no jobs and American capitalism is failing. (Jobs are created by businesses).

8) COVID is a terrible thing and we should all be social distancing more and for a longer time.

9) But joining in mass protest is okay because racial injustice is happening.

10) But churches and schools should definitely remain closed.

I'm just going off what I'm reading in the news, on twitter, and seeing on TV.

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