Sunday, May 10, 2020


An anti-fragile organization grows stronger under duress.

With all the negativity and uncertainty surrounding COVID, I thought it would be a good exercise to focus on how to individually respond to COVID in an anti-fragile manner. Goals:

1) Spend more time teaching my kids stuff -- most of all - how to be curious and learn they can teach themselves. Include important life basics.

2) Since I'm at home all the time, take better care of the house and yard.

3) Eat better. At first, I was eating worse. More snacking. I now see this as an opportunity to develop some more discipline -- that age has arrived where it matters.

4) Watch less sports and read more.

5) Become better prepared for future emergencies - treat this as a trial run.

6) Set higher standards for my writing product.

7) Practice more gratitude.

8) Get or maintain big picture adult life matters in order - insurances, savings, investments, housing, wills, debts, etc.

9) Keep job skills sharp - ethos of continual improvement and innovation and learning.

10) Find new ways to spend time outside.

11) Consider cosmic and spiritual questions more, ideological questions less.

12) Improve my support for my local community.

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