Friday, April 24, 2020

Less Unproductive

This week was probably my happiest/best coronavirus week. Maybe I'm getting used to it. But I did make an effort to change some things up that have helped:

1) Min 1/2 hour exercise each day
2) At least a little bit of work on original project per day
3) Reading and watching stuff outside my normal zone, ie Horror films, docs, Japanese manga

Part of the mental element that helped was focusing on just doing a little. I used to beat myself up over exercise -- like a long walk to me wasn't considered exercise -- but now I count it. Even if I work on only one scene in a script -- that's okay. That's something - better than nothing. And reading and watching. One chapter is okay. 15 minutes of a doc is okay. Something about that loosening makes me feel (and be) less unproductive.

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