Wednesday, April 08, 2020

I Think This Is Right

I'll admit to being partial to some of the coronavirus conspiracies and mysteries. My two personal favorites being it was created in a disease lab in Wuhan and accidentally broke out and the it's already been in California a long's a good thread on why none of them are likely to be right.

This statistic tells me a lot - average NYC deaths per day are 20-25, and now we're looking at 200. Pretty much end of debate as to whether "this is just a normal flu" and to whether social isolation was necessary. It was.

As for why California isn't getting hit harder - could it simply be the lack of a subway system? The "it's already been here, herd immunity argument" doesn't work - we would've quite simply seen more death. This week alone, I've seen 3-4 ambulances in my neighborhood. That's abnormal. Something is happening.

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