Saturday, February 22, 2020


I'll go on record here: I will not vote for the guy. Why? I've been to Cuba - the grocery stores have no food and majority of ladies at bars were prostitutes. I've been to Venezuela (when it was free and nice and it was NICE) and spoken with young people who spent their entire youths scared to go out at night post Chavez. And I've been to South Korea -- twice! South Korea is a corrupt, at times authoritarian hyper capitalist society and it's awesome! And unquestionably better than the North. So no, I'm not into radical experiments of whatever you want to call what Bernie is and stands for. At least 5 of his major policy ideas are basically non-starters for me...

I don't dislike the guy, but I believe his policies and followers would send us down a path 10-50x worse than Trump. Why do I think this? Oh...maybe the historical example of every single country who tried similar such radical reforms.

Here's what happens. Bernie as President wants utterly radical policies:

1) Forgive all student debt.
2) College now free for all
3) Healthcare for all
4) Green New Deal

Just to name a few.

Math makes such policy ideas totally impossible, and EVERYONE who brings it up will be labeled corrupt, enemy-of-the-people and so forth. Such opposition will initially use institutions to oppose these hair brained ideas and because Socialists can't change the immutable laws of physics, math, economics, and reality -- they won't be able to push their ideas through -- unless, unless, they remove the opposition. And this is why - folks - even with the best intentions Socialists/Communists, etc - will turn violent and revolutionary because either it fails in the short run or it takes generations to realize the pyramid scheme for what it is.

Bernie isn't pushing for Denmark style Socialism. Obama pushed for Denmark style Socialism. And they all miss the actually important point: the United States of America is not fucking Denmark, nor should it be.

You want to lower student debt, put the colleges on the hook. You want free college, support strong state systems. You want better healthcare - go for the marginal improvements and price transparency first. You want a Green New Deal - go sell the Indians and Chinese on it first.

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