Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Unpopular Global Warming Thoughts

Is an easy solution to the problem of global warming moving to colder climates of which there are many? Isn't this what earlier humans would've done?

I often hear people talk about global warming, I rarely see anyone taking any action whatsoever in their every day lives to help curb global warming. I will believe we are in a crisis when the people who say we are in a crisis act like we are in a crisis. That said, a few things people could do, but won't or don't:

1) Move to a smaller house
2) Move to a closer commute
3) Travel by car or air less and train instead
4) Make less garbage, and by that I mean not getting Starbucks and all those paper cups with plastic lids
5) Eat smaller portions of meat.

These seem like reasonable ideas and very doable. Yet, I rarely see anyone choosing them.

Drastic, difficult to implement ideas seems crazy to me - so for instance, why do we...

1) Attempt to pass global warming legislation like the Green New Deal which also tries to tackle all sorts of other weird progressive ideas like guaranteed jobs program?

2) Why do we encourage people to give up meat altogether when an easier, more reasonable solution would just be smaller portions?

3) Why would anyone who thinks we are in a global warming crisis not immediately support nuclear power generation as the solution?

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