Saturday, August 17, 2019

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Re-Watch

Takeaways on 2nd viewing:

-Tarantino films are the only films that consistently make me want to make movies. I imagine others in the business feel the same. The vast majority of films - whether good or bad - don't inspire me to want to make anything. I have theories on why this is, but for another post...
-Brad Pitt definitely killed his wife.
-Leo's performance underappreciated - he plays Rick as a stutterer who loses his stutter when he drinks.
-Tarantino writes the story toward set pieces, which is why it feels uneven. He doesn't value "structure" very highly but plants and pays off very well.
-I stand by my initial claim the sequence at the Spahn Ranch is the best in the film, although upon second viewing the Bruce Lee - Brad Pitt dream sequence was pretty excellent.
-The entire movie takes place over the course of only 2 days with a few flashbacks. Night of Day 1 through end of Day 2 comprises about 2/3 of the film -- about 1.5 days. The final third of the film happens on half a day.
-Anyone offended by the depiction of Bruce Lee should be equally offended by the depiction of Steve McQueen which was more cartoonish IMO.
-Tarantino gets excellent performances - in general - from smaller actors without much acting skill, but who possess something right for the part. In this film, Margaret Qualley and the three Manson killers are examples.
-Never bored
-Audience cheered for Leo's flamethrower.
-Audience chuckled at Brad Pitt's line "don't cry in front of the Mexicans."

-OTHER THING: Narrator is used to build tension where we think Tarantino is documenting the Manson murders, but instead reminds us we are in a fairy tale.

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