Saturday, June 29, 2019

Drunken Epiphany

The reason none of the Democrats can beat Trump is that there isn't a single one you'd enjoy getting a drink with. Think about it. If you ran across these folks at a cocktail party, you'd run the other way. Say what you will about Bill Clinton (maybe a rapist) and Barak Obama (maybe feckless as a leader), if they were at the bar, you'd want to chit chat with them. Am I wrong?

Joe Biden. I'd be awful afraid of long winded one-sided conversations.

Kamala Harris. I can think of few things less pleasant than hanging with KH.

Pete Buttigieg. Snooze.

Cory Booker. I'd be checking my emails.

Bernie. Fun for a few minutes. And then very very old.

Elizabeth Warren. Would feel like you were talking to the school principal.

Tulsi Gabbard. Close, but ultimately, isn't she just kinda weird?

Beto. Good from far but far from good.

Castro. Ugh. As enjoyable as a head cold.

Yang. Nice need to go to the bathroom.

Point is this. On the debate stage, the only person who'd actually be fun to hang with is Marianne Williamson and if you want to understand the appeal of AOC...let's be real...she'd be fun to shoot the shit with. Everyone else. I'd choose Netflix.

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