Friday, June 28, 2019

Brief Thoughts On Democratic Candidates

Kamala Harris. She seemed to capture the spotlight and be "on brand" for what the Democratic Party has become. That said, I really, really do not like her at all. She comes across as a joyless scold and completely cynical. She is also backwards looking in the worst way, assuming a mantle of victimhood about her days of being bussed to school in liberal Berkeley California as if she grew up in the South. Please.

Joe Biden. Seems old.

Pete Buttigieg. Too young and without any significant political or business accomplishment as far as I can tell. Maybe is smart and maybe has some good positions, but his most attractive traits are: served in military, gay, rhodes scholar -- all things done in his 20s or before.

Bernie. Comes across as energetic and genuine and clearly makes his points against big business, but I don't agree with his solutions and nor do a vast number of Americans.

Marianne Williamson. Did an incredible job of making herself visible. Seems like she practices Wicca. Kinda like her being in the mix. Would bet my entire live savings she won't become President.

Hickenlooper. I don't think so.

Swalwell. Seems like he's running for Pres in order to get a job.

Gillabrand. I had never heard her speak before and only knew her by reputation. I actually thought she got her POV across well: she's an advocate for women. And I found her more likable than I imagined. I prefer her to Harris because I don't think she is a completely joyless cynic. She seemed to have both broad ideas and elegant solutions for them. I'm not sure her about her priorities or whether those solutions are realistic or legal (ie public funded elections).

Bennet. Somewhat unremarkable, almost like a bad VP candidate.

Yang. Poor guy got ignored. Seems to be his own guy. Like that he's got ideas, even though I don't think they have any chance of gaining traction.

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