Saturday, May 18, 2019


Tyler Cowen's worst post -- and there are very few -- defends Harvard's decision to get rid of Weinstein's lawyer by making the claim, essentially, by taking on Weinstein, he'd be too busy to do his dorm job.
Let’s say I hired a TA for my Econ 101 class, and then I learned that TA would be defending Edward Snowden in his or her spare time. Probably I would ask for another TA! And that has nothing to do with my view of Snowden, one way or the other, or whether my students have rational views of Snowden or not (I genuinely do not know if they do).
In a healthy world if a TA got another job, he'd talk to the professor and explain he couldn't do both. In the Weinstein lawyer case, Harvard made the point they were dismissing him because of the student concerns.

Maybe the argument, then becomes: they needed a decent reason to get rid of the guy and used the Weinstein case as an excuse. But that tells even a worse story about Harvard. Instead of just being un-American and not believing in the right of a defendant to legal counsel, they are actually just cowards who fear being construed as being in favor of basic American values. Such a sentence can only make sense these days.

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