Sunday, January 13, 2019


Film: Burning

Could be a strange companion piece to Surviving R Kelly and the best movie I watched this year.

UPDATE: Just read a few reviews on Burning and an ongoing interpretation of the film seems to be vagueness and ambiguity surrounding the 3rd Act. I disagree. It seemed clear to me. Yuen's character speaks in metaphors. What he means by burning greenhouses is consuming women and destroying them. He picks women like he picks greenhouses - the ones who are abandoned and lost. Five clues to point to Yuen as serial killer  - the tidiness at Haemi's home felt the same as the tidiness at his home an unnatural to Haemi, the discovery of the watch he has kept as a souvenir/trophy, the cat (of course), the pattern of Yuen's solicitation of women ,and most of all, his yawns.

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