Saturday, March 24, 2018

People in America

Are the people who live in America no longer Americans? I can't help but have this thought when I see the intensity and fervor with which both the 1st and 2nd Amendment are attacked day after day, week after week. It is as if people don't regard the Constitution at all. As if it isn't a document any more important than an op-ed in a newspaper.

America is an idea. That idea is written down in the founding documents of our nation - the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and studied and examined in the Federalist Papers, etc. Yes, it is a living idea, an idea that evolves, and it was designed to be. But what America is not - is a mood, nor a group of opinions to be negotiated.

It certainly seems that the most vocal Americans today care not a bit about the Constitution, but instead about safety, being inoffensive, and diversity (whatever that means). They want to turn out country into a safe, public playground made from non-toxic materials where no one can get hurt. What an awful vision of the world and the people in it.

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