Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Cambridge Analytica

All I can say on the issue is that I don't get it. OF COURSE Facebook harvests and uses the data it collects on users. Why does anyone think the company is worth billions of dollars? Because they pay a monthly subscription to look at their friends' pictures? People are upset because Facebook takes their data and tries to manipulate them into buying, selling, voting, etc. That's the entire premise of Facebook and why I never signed up. I find this outrage to be completely preposterous and nevertheless support the movement to cancel Facebook. I've always said no one should use Facebook, but 1/4 of the world's population disagreed with me.

An outcome I would find utterly absurd, however, is the US Government deciding to reign in Facebook now - after the Trump election outcome vs. when Obama got elected and everyone was talking about how clever and forward thinking Obama's team was for using social media. What a bunch of turds all these people involved with this story are...

UPDATE: If this whole thing cripples Facebook, it strikes me that Trump gets inadvertent credit. MAGA!

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