Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mission Creep

When everything is terrorism.

Yes.  This is a huge problem.  We've suddenly let any crime or foolish threat become labeled "terrorism."  Even the Boston Bombing, which was legitimately terrorism is getting blown way out of proportion by calling it "a weapon of mass destruction."  Total mission creep.

I think we made a major mistake in framing this as a "war on terrorism," as opposed to a war on Islamic Fundamentalism -- or perhaps even a war against Sunni Fundamentalism or Salafists or even just Al Queda the organization.  Of course, we needed to do this framing because of politically correct language and our fear to lump all Muslims together.  Never mind that it is completely accurate and exactly what was going on.  Forgot the truth.  Forget the fact that these people concerned with political correctness reveal their utter ignorance in defining the problem this way in the first place.  They are the one's lumping Muslims together.  They are the one's who think everyone is incapable of distinguishing. So dumb.

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