Friday, August 17, 2012

Tax Returns

Although Mitt Romney isn't legally required to share his tax returns to the public, I do find the situation to be representative of a problem with the overall sell of the Republican agenda.  Republicans want to run on the platform that they are the fiscally responsible party - the party that wants to cut stupid government spending and be responsible about the government deficit and debt and put the economy back on track.  The selection of Ryan as the running mate would validate this premise.  But Mitt's tax returns would undercut their very message.  I'm sure he didn't do anything illegal, but we will find that he earns and spends in the 10 millions per year and pays less taxes than the average schoolteacher or all all my friends who struggle to pay the rent in 1 bedroom apartments and yet are paying in excess of 20-30% in Federal taxes each year.

No one expects the Federal Government will disappear and everyone needs to pay taxes and contribute, but the Republicans would have you believe all the middle class, upper to lower, should pay 15-30% of their income in taxes and the Romney-like folks, the uber-wealthy, should only pay 13% or even lower.  No one can justify this situation on common sense grounds.  No one should try and defend this position, lest be completely cynical and irrational and Orwellian almost in their sense of justice and fairness.

This is a morally indefensible position and explains why he won't release his returns.  Also explains one of my biggest problems with voting for the guy (even if I believed he'd do a better job or even if I believed it was in my own self interest, this fundamental, in-your-face, corruption would be dishonorable to let stand).

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