Monday, August 13, 2012


What it looks like from the interior.



Anonymous said...

VDH doesn't point out the obvious: the problems are in red state CA, not blue state CA. The contempt he has for the people in Palo Alto is like something from the far left.

How you can go on citing VDH all the time without acknowledging that he is a cranky, old white guy who writes the same complaints week in, week out, year after year, blaming everything on liberals and illegal immigrants, is vexing. And with that, this anonymous commenter will not bother you any longer.

Greg said...

i agree he writes the same thing all the time and i get tired of reading his everyday stuff. but i think the guy has something to say and has lived in a part of CA long enough to chronicle changes he witnesses. i like reading about CA, a place i call home and care about. and yeah, i'm worried the place is getting worse, not better. the public education sucks. the taxes are high. there is a hollowing out of the middle class. i think CA is the best place on the planet, endowed with more natural resources, beauty, and advantages than nearly any other place i've ever been, so yeah, it worries me if we are rotting from within. i don't so much about the politics of it, but more the anecdotal first person observation of someone who knows the history of an area. i think this is valuable in and of itself, separate from the politics.