Friday, February 18, 2011

On Saving For Retirement

Some pretty good ideas.

To be comfortable in retirement, you need to be saving a lot more, especially if you're planning to, I don't know, have an emergency, do anything large such as renovate the house, or put some kids through college. This is definitely possible--look at the income your parents lived on. How did they do it? Not because those were halcyon days when incomes were better and working men lived like kings. No, if you really think about it, you'll realize that they consumed less stuff than you, and you, especially, consumed less stuff than your kids.

Of course, this was easier to do, because other people were also consuming less stuff; living on less than you make when everyone else is leveraged to the hilt makes you feel poor. But it's the only way to make sure you survive retirement.

Hmmm. I'm already a cheap bastard, maybe I'll be a cheaper one.

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