Thursday, December 09, 2010


The nearly seven month drought is over. I played teams sports tonight. Pick up basketball. My handles were terrible. I couldn't hit a jumper. My team got their ass kicked three times. I needed to wear an ACL brace. And it was totally awesome.

Let me explain. I had ACL surgery six and half months ago. The only exercise I do is go to the gym and do various cardio and strengthening exercises, ride a bike, go hiking, or run. I enjoying hiking and biking. But neither one of them compares to the simple joy of pick up basketball, much less an organized soccer league.

I don't know what it is exactly. Partially social. Partially competition. Partially creativity - I've come to understand in later years. I can't put my finger on it. But you don't realize how great sports are until you don't do them for awhile.

The one upside of not playing hard sports for 6 months - by toe nails grew back and were almost 100% healed. They haven't been normal since high school. That went out the window tonight as well - I jammed my toe, it is totally black and blue, I'll lose the nail in a week or so.

It's good to be back.

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