Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Healthcare Hoo Ha

I have a tendency and I don't know what is says of me, but once something is done, I can generally accept it and move on and actually lose my passion for the debate. I'm not a fan of the gigantic healthcare overhaul, but now that the law has passed, I'm not overly worried or considering moving to Canada or planning on buying a gun. I'm just planning on paying more taxes for other people's healthcare, that's all. Is this is something I'm supposed to be excited about? Does that make me a good Democrat? A good person? A bad one?

I was somewhat disgusted by Obama and Biden's press conference yesterday morning. Stuck in traffic on my way to work from NoHo, where I dropped my car off for service (to save $500 since going to the dealer is costly and I know I'm going to need my cash), I caught Biden's sycophantic introduction of Obama. He tongue was so far up Obama's ass, I was having trouble understanding the words. He seemed to think passing a healthcare bill was the greatest achievement by any living soul in the past 20 years. Obama said himself it was 100 years in the making. Really? How does he figure that? Did they have HMOs and Medicare in 1910? Did I miss something?

As far as I can tell, the plan is to spend money. To throw it around to as many people as possible - the uninsured, the seniors, the small businesses. Fine, good. Who pays for it? No one. Not until 2018. Who pays for it then? Oh...the rich. Whoever that is...if we have any rich people left.

I feel like a family who just bought a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, with good schools, is safe...all the things you other words, except it costs more than you make. More than you earn. In the perfect world, of course I want healthcare for everyone, I want everyone to live in nice safe neighborhoods, and go to good schools, and to be happy and jolly. But in the real world, I find it quite hard enough to pay my own bills, taxes, and car repairs.

In the end, if this is all about getting the uninsured insured, I can live with it. You can take from me a little more each month to get everyone covered. I can sign onto that. But was it that? Is it that? Why do you need a 2700 page bill to tax the producers a little more to give to the less fortunate.

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