Monday, December 18, 2006

Chocolate Truffles

I forgot the gluttony that goes on at regular offices. I drop by work today to find a little bag of gourmet truffles. I'm bored and I take one. I'm not really a big candy fan. Or sweets in general. I liked them fine, but wouldn't even really spend the money to buy myself sweets because to me, they generally aren't worth the cost. (Although a good chocolate croissant is a nice afternoon snack - heated up). I take candy only when it's offered for free.

So, case in point...I snag a truffle. Mmm. Good. No surprise. Truffles are yummy. I go back to my seat. Maybe I should get another. I go back to the little kitchen and grab two more. I eat them as I walk away. Goddammit man, if this isn't the best truffle I've ever eaten. My fingers are dark brown with truffle powder and I lick them.

I go back again.

An office mate sees me. "Are these the best truffles you've ever had?" I ask.

"They're good."

"Damn right."

I eat two more and am thinking of going back for more.

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