Introduction to Public Musings
My old intro was four years old. I just deleted it. It contained personal information. It was my first entry. And also the first entry I deleted.
I no longer believe in providing personal information - in the form of statistics - on the internet. I do not find statistics important or interesting.
I started Public Musings to archive articles and thoughts. I guessed one day someone would read it - but hadn't a clue who. I still remember people had when I first told them I started a blog. "A what?" "Who would ever read something like that?"
Before I had readers, blogging became a compulsion. One can peruse my old entries and see a fairly steady stream. It is this diligence of which I am most proud. I am not enamored with the content of all my entries. I've made mistakes by writing names of people from my private life, posted things other people wrote and said unfairly, posted movie reviews of movies I wasn't supposed to review, and oftentimes made claims and arguments that were foolish, unsound, and untrue. Yet, on the whole, I think I get more right than I get wrong and I do, in good faith, try to learn from my mistakes.
One time, a friends parents asked what I blogged about. I couldn't answer, but the friend said, "Come on. You blog about three things: movies, Iraq, and adventures in Los Angeles. Occasionally sports."
I don't think he's wrong. Those are subjects that interest me. Perhaps a more nuanced explanation would be...
I try to blog about policy and not politics, the craft of movies, adventures in Los Angeles in the film business, Bay Area Sports, and things I find funny.
Overtime, I've accumulated a small but steady readership. I hope they enjoy some of my posts.