Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Best Thing About Israel

From a non-Jew from California...it's like one of those ultraviolet flashlights cops use on crime scenes to see things the normal eyes cannot...If you find a person, group, or country who hates Israel or codes their hate with something like the "Palestinian right of return" you know that person is unreasonable and potentially nuts. And at the very least, cannot be trusted. How? Well, let's try this - when has such a "right of return" been tried? Are there any practical models that demonstrate it working? Forget how poorly behaved the Palestinians are and their use of terrorism. Even if you imagined the best version of a Palestinian state and the right of return - what would that look like?

Here's the point of the "right of return." By design, it's completely unworkable. That's precisely why it attracts the people it attracts. That's the aspect they like about it. And the Palestinians have chosen this as part of their identity: the perpetual victim that justifies any sort of mad, chaotic behavior. And you see what it's gotten them.

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