Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Maybe We Needed A Bit More Racism...

One of the reasons I supported the Iraq invasion was because I bought into the idea that Arabs wanted to live like everyone else in the world and if you got rid of a tyrant like Saddam we'd see change. In hindsight, an argument I'm finding oddly compelling is that actually...maybe Saddam was doing a pretty good job keeping the so-called "Arab-street" under control while he pursued his passion for writing novels.

What's changing my mind is that post-Oct 7th, it's become pretty clear the vast majority of Arabs in their hearts of hearts support the mass murder and rape of Jews (Israelis). I'd like to think the more cosmopolitan and intellectual Arabs feel different. Or the Arabs from different countries have different nuanced and complicated positions on the matter. Or perhaps the Arabs who immigrate to the West become more sympathetic. It turns out none of them do. So therein lies the problem.

Other thing - if Israel is a colonial state - where is exactly the "home state" the Jewish colonizers are supposed to return to?

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