Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Free Speech and Genocide

I consider myself a pretty free speech absolutist, but it's obvious you can't cry "fire in a crowded a theater." In a similar logic, Charles Manson was found guilty of murder for inciting his followers. It is illegal to tell someone suicidal to go kill themselves, is it not? Seems to me campus radicals calling for genocide of the Jews is a layup in terms of speech that crosses the line into incitement. The 3 women Presidents say, it depends on the context. Well, the context is this: you have thousands of willing mass murderers on standby with guns right next to a whole lot of Jewish people in Israel. I'd say that qualifies as incitement, wouldn't you?

How hard would it be to say the following:

1) Calling for genocide against Jews or anyone else is a violation of our student code. This does not constitute free speech, but rather an incitement to violence.

2) That said, no one on our campus has called for the genocide of Jews. Merely supporting a Palestinian state or the Palestinian dreams of statehood cannot be construed as "calling for genocide."

3) That said, there has been a worrying amount of support Hamas on our campus. We as an institution completely and entirely denounce Hamas as an illegitimate and illegal terrorist organization. And we need to do a lot of soul searching to figure out exactly why members of our community are defending and supporting mass murderers. We believe these members are entirely wrong and we need to dissect exactly what is going on here. We will investigate and should we find violations of the student or faculty code we will swiftly act. At our school there is ample room for political dissent. But there is not going to be any tolerance for incitement to violence, celebration of wanton murder and destruction, or antisemitism or racism. In addition, gross propaganda the types of which are spread by Hamas and its supporters will be met with a powerful chorus of truth and accuracy. 

Or something along those lines. It's not hard. 

And let me make the gender point again. A man who had any sort of father or male friends or even just played pick up basketball with other dudes  would not conduct themselves this way in front of Congress. Far left women from the circles these ladies are from have no such social code to adhere to and thus...we are where we are.

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