Sunday, December 18, 2022


Film: Tar 

Mixed feelings. Overall, a solid film but probably not a rewatch. Depends a lot on how one contextualizes it. In comparison to Memoria - much more captivating. I quite enjoyed the weird paranoia and creepy Michael Haneke thriller aspects. As an anti-PC, cancel culture It's okay, maybe a bit snobby. I feel like the appropriate response to the PC stuff is mockery, not an erudite lecture. As a hang out movie? Total fail. I feel like the people in Tar are types I'd dedicate my life to avoiding, so spending 2.5 hours with them over the course of the last two nights does feel like a waste. 

I didn't understand the last shot, but I'll remember it. 

My list of movies of the year is slowly picking up. Tar will be on there, but near the bottom.

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