Thursday, March 10, 2022

How To Battle Inflation on Personal Level

I don't know how others do it, but I basically live on a "loose budget." So when everything goes up in price, I buy less. Examples:

1) Cut out a road trip, or go for fewer days

2) Thai food take out instead of Sushi

3) Ride bike to work 1 day - it's good for you, too!

4) Rent books from the library

5) Bring your own wine to the restaurant

6) Hold off that lux purchase you were considering

7) Buy a cheaper car. I don't get why people complain so much about car prices. I pick the range of dough I want to spend and get what I think the best, most appropriate car is for the price. I've never been disappointed or overspent this way

8) Splurge on the little (vs big) things 

9) Cut out a subscription if need be

10) Cook at home more or make bigger batches of food to yield leftovers

11) Buy cheaper substitutes - I can go a bit down in quality on my coffee (Lavazza or Whole Foods brands are solid enough), pasta (many options), non-organic fruits/veggies, etc.

12) Buy in bulk. If you care to plan it out, use Costco 

13) Make more money 

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