Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ah Ha Moment

I should've understood this earlier, but listening to Bari Weiss podcast on the Smollet hate crime hoax had a lightbulb moment about why this kind of shit keeps happening. Why are the national media obsessed with race? Why are there so many fake hate crimes? Why do we give so much oxygen to morons like DiAngelo, Kendi, Nicole Hannah Jones, etc. And I finally understand it: it's an industry.

BLM alone raised 10 billion dollars. Prior to BLM, there are roughly 70+ organizations with over 10 million dollars in assets pledge to "fight racism." And the reality is that we fought and defeated what we'll call "Racism Type A" in America, these organizations remained (like the military industrial complex post WW2) and now these organizations - in order to continue to exist - have sought out and frankly, made up "Racism Type B."

So why do we have do all this? Because it's an industry and billions of dollars are sloshing around, making it happen.

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