Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Time For A Change

Driving from SoCal to NorCal for the first time in awhile, the thing I noticed EVERYWHERE is graffiti. It's along every highway stretch I drove, from the 5 to the 152 to the 680 to the 880 to the 101. Graffiti in the poor rural areas north of Los Angeles, to the high tech, high performance, high immigrant areas of Silicon Valley, to Oakland/Berkeley to Marin county. It's everywhere. And it depresses me. I know it's just graffiti. But is it, really? What it says to me: is that we no longer give a shit. It's like a house that hasn't been cleaned, a person who doesn't bathe, it's a sign of a society that doesn't think itself worthy of order. It's a sign of nihilism and cynicism. For all those on the left who speak of "reform" and "improvement," I see zero signs or strategy toward it. No thought. Just mindless envy and cynicism and graffiti.

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