Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Random Thoughts / Observations

My 4 year old loved the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special. Important for parents, I think, to show kids old/slower paced tv shows, books, movies, etc, so they don't become too "present-focused."

My 4 year old came in to the bathroom while I was shaving today and basically recounted the Big Bang Theory and evolution -- he told me -- at first there were only stars in space, then a big explosion happened that created planets. Then shark eggs were created and there were sharks. Then, fish came. Then dinosaurs. Then dinosaurs died and came monkeys and humans. Now, maybe he didn't hit all the details correct, but for a 4 year old the summary of life was pretty good. I am a bit mystified about how he learned The Big Bang. My wife didn't teach him. I asked him if he learned it in school and he said no. He said his body told him. Who knows...he also peed on the bathroom floor this morning, so

I love watching regular season NBA and had this incredible idea for retirement - go live in cities where I like the NBA teams, for instance right now: Toronto and Miami for the NBA season and just go to games. Now I just need to spend the next 25 years getting the wife to become an NBA fan.

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