Monday, October 15, 2018


What's most interesting about his Trump-bromance is the liberal reaction to it. The volume of venom spit towards Kanye must indicate something. He's hitting a nerve. And what nerve is that?

It's race. Democrats have embraced the progressive / identity politics wing of their party and are letting that tail wag the dog. I've long thought this is a mistake, but regardless of whether it's a mistake, it's what's happening. This is why they gambled on Kavanaugh and you can just see it everywhere - all the heat, passion, is with the identity wing and the old classic liberals or moderate liberals are hiding in the bushes.

Kanye threatens this group. Why? Because anyone who knows anything about identity politics knows African Americans hold the top spot in the grievance olympics. And rightfully so if you subscribe to that thing. Everyone knows the history. So when Kanye explores thinking about the grievance train differently, the liberals lose their freaking mind. Because if African Americans start questioning whether identity politics is a useful way to approach political problems the entire pyramid is gonna collapse. I don't think Trump is possibly smart enough to see this -- or is he?

NOTE: Jemele Hill's Atlantic article and it's a doozy. She criticizes black men for empathizing with Kavanaugh. The worst thing about her argument isn't that she is pleading with them to see Ford's side. No. Her point is that Kavanaugh is privileged and they are not and therefore...they shouldn't empathize? Huh? She's threatened by these men thinking for themselves on matters and abandoning the tribe that pays her bills. If one had a strong intellectual position, one wouldn't be so threatened. Or at the very least, take up the argument in a different manner.

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