Thursday, May 30, 2024

Weird Games We Play

One way current practices structurally undermine things like heteronormativity and whiteness - we force students / learners into things like DEI workshops to emphasize the underprivileged and disadvantaged. So it should not be a surprise when these kids come up with "ideas" that feature queer or non-white characters. Because they want audience approval. I see this firsthand - it's almost a default for any writer these days to include some LGBT characters to check the diversity box - and some do it better than others. But then the knife gets shoved in. Because if you're not actually LGBT or a minority writer, you will be criticized in this language, "Are you sure you're the right person to write this story?"

Now the really good or great writers will not fall into this trap. Why? Because they know themselves and have developed a voice. The autistic and stubborn also avoid the fate. But the young ones, the sensitive, the learners find themselves checkmated...

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