Friday, May 31, 2024

Hot Take

This strikes me as naive.

The argument that Palestine should not be recognised in order not to reward Hamas partakes of the same genocidal logic we see in Gaza: the inability to distinguish between the Palestinian people (maybe 15 million, old of one century or two, rich in culture and history) with Hamas

Why is it up to Israel and the so-called West to define Palestinians? The Palestinians need to define themselves. And as far I can tell, they communicate very clearly to world who they are via their actions and reactions. So when Hamas is elected in Gaza, that tells me something. When Hamas is unopposed in Gaza, that tells me something. When Hamas commits atrocities against Israel and is celebrated, that tells me something. Now perhaps you say: Palestinians don't really support Hamas, they only do so because of fear. But if that were the case, the Palestinians would actually work with and celebrate the Israelis doing their dirty work for them. And I see no sign of that. 

I'll admit for sure, the joe-average Palestinian finds themselves in a very shitty position. But somewhere along the line you gotta decide as a people/group - what's more important: armed struggle against more powerful opponents? Or finding a way to live peacefully amongst neighbors? And they have decided. Wrongly, in my opinion.

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