Wednesday, February 13, 2013


TV:  The Americans Pilot

I was sort of enjoying this pilot until they used In The Air Tonight and a shot for shot rip off of the iconic sequence at the end of the Miami Vice pilot in the middle of the episode.  Just really bad form.  I don't see how you can do that with a straight face.  Man, I wished they didn't do it, because otherwise this show had the makings of really good TV.  Oh, and with the homage, my mind couldn't help but conjure the image of Crocket and Tubbs banging in the car and this wasn't pleasant for me.

I really like what FX is doing.  Justified, Louie, and The Americans.  Not bad.  Even Archer from the little I watched isn't bad.  I particularly like how FX is trying to be all high and mighty like HBO.

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