Wednesday, April 19, 2006

me: fttts (that's a fart noise)
Alice: uh, excuse you
me: fttts
Alice: I think it actually sounds more like thrrrrpt
me: ftttttttttts
Alice: my brother is excited because he just discovered that if you google "american cock meat" and then hit I'm Feeling Lucky, his blog comes up
Sent at 4:45 PM on Wednesday
me: fttttttttttssssss
i didn't know your bro had a blog. i'll check it out. fttttsssss
Alice: he is meatsweats
he is meatsweats
Sent at 4:49 PM on Wednesday
me: found it. neat. he's obviously not a neoconservative, so i'm not linking to him
Alice: neither am I
a neoconservative, that is
me: you've been grandfathered in, former slave
Alice: I aint yo slave, coolie
me: notwithstanding
there's no business like show business
i'd prefer to work on the sopranos than entourage
i wonder where all the emails go after they are deleted
what would happen if baseball no longer existed?
Alice: got a hold of some crack, have you?
me: the lucas lobby gets slippery when it's raining, luckily it's not raining
i wonder how many hours feel like long hours versus those hours that fly by
i'm not sure whether spo is a good job or a bad job
i think printing is actually cheaper on a whole than normal printing places charge
Sent at 4:55 PM on Wednesday
me: if you put out candy, people will eat it, even if they don't like it
Alice: has that been your experience?
me: i ran out of steam
i wonder where that expression came from
probably trains
some people like the movie ocean's twelve, which i find hard to believe
do you think kevin's glad he did a thesis?
i wonder what percentage of film students actually have watched a kieslowski film.
venetian blinds - are they supposed to be fancy or cheap?
i worry about making changes because i think they might be the wrong changes
rio bravo is a good movie, but i'm not sure if it's a great movie, as many would have you believe
i sometimes feel guilty charging people for printing, etc in my job
i want a big huge flat screen tv in my room that takes up the entire wall, so when i lay in bed it's like i'm in gigantic movie theater for one.
i think the spo chair is giving me carpel tunnel syndrome or tendinitous, i think i spelled those things wrong
there are too many passwords, if you ask me
Alice: poor greg is lonely
me: alone, not lonely
Alice: there there
me: actually, not alone anymore, i'm surrounded by people
Alice: yes you are
me: i'm only using half my brain to type, the other half is working at spo
i'm even answering questions and being all around charming
it's quite amazing
Alice: truly
I'm eating grapes and blogging
me: i'm humoring one person, helping another and observing a third
Alice: and soon I will go to the Cubs game
me: i wish i had food.
i usually wish i had food
cubs, that will be fun. actually, it would be more fun if i cared about the cubs
i am not a fan of dodger stadium
i find it too bland
i long for a day of stillness when water tastes cool and there are no reasons for pouting
this is all going up on the blog

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