Saturday, August 24, 2024


Film: Alien Romulus 

A movie! A real movie, this is. Patient. Cinematic. Was it shot on film? It certainly looked like it. The downsides of the film: writing and star power. Now let me clear, the acting isn't "bad" but it lacks charisma. Perhaps tied to the writing. There's a noticeable lack of charm in current films - when you go back and consider the original Alien, or even Jaws, the characters are funny, dimensional, human. The characters in Romulus are basically victimized, bummed out, sad monkey, or neurodivergent. But they are diverse of course (which ulimately is meaningless because surprise, surprise mostly they all die). Question: does an Asian audience member care more when an Asian character dies? I wouldn't think so, but what do I know. 

Another problem with films like this - they fall into the same storytelling patterns as the original, so the surprises don't really land as surprises. It becomes more ritual. Like the birthday cake at a party. I guess with my drama, I'd like something more.

Still worth, the cinematic experience in IMax 100%.

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