Thursday, August 01, 2024

Batshit Crazy

Olympic female boxer surrenders after 46 seconds - she isn't gonna fight a man.  

Where are all the feminists now? So-called western feminists are not feminists and have never been feminists. They are careerists. The only issues they actually care about are those that help them achieve career success. That's it. They care about "equal pay" and freedom to abort pregnancies when they are inconvenient.

Their silence about women in the Muslim world for the past 25 years is the entire story. Now, the silence comes closer to home on how transgenders impact women in sport. 

Everyone sees you on zooms twirling your hair and cheering for Kamala and doing Tik Tok videos from your office while your supposed "sister" is being beaten up in the ring by a man. Under rules you support.

UPDATE: And that's my nice take. The more delusional folks are persuaded by all the female-centered action movies where little skinny girls beat the shit out of grown men. Or re-edited soccer advertisements suggesting women could play just like men. Folks...that's propaganda you fell for. These are fools who shouldn't be allowed in positions of any type of power.

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