Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Problem with "Meritocracy" and its bastard cousin, Affirmative Action/DEI

We replaced the WASPY privilege and the corresponding myths with meritocracy and its corresponding myths. One of the myths of meritocracy are that the people with power and positions hold those positions through their own grit and perseverance. This is why Chelsea Clinton can make a TV show called Gutsy with the theme of "Nevertheless She Persisted." You may recall, Chelsea was raised in the White House and is the closest thing we Americans have to a princess. Now, this myth has some good features. Namely, it gets people to work hard on their own career and not fall into the trap of self-pity, there is a downside: they have no sense of duty or honor.  

We see that with this secret service agent Kim Cheadle. She is a shameless, clueless figure without a shred of honor. Obviously, she must resign. Because whatever failure occurred is her fault. She can't see it, though. Because in her eyes, she followed the best practices she knew and this incident is "bad luck" for her. You saw the same with all these female college Presidents. Nothing, you see, is their fault. Because everything they've done in their entire lives has been against all odds in their own minds. They truly believe they have earned and accomplished these bureaucratic appointments through the sheer force of their own hard work and skill.

UPDATE: Cheadle resigned before I could finish my post. Note, she only resigned after literally everyone called for it. She started to feel unpopular and disliked and got the clue she wasn't welcome at the party anymore. Not because of what I outlined above...

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